Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Painful Prayer

Pain makes us pray. That is true, isn't it? I mean that is what James tells us in James 1:5. When you fall into diverse tests, difficulties, trials or sufferings, you can ask God and the implied truth there is that pain drives us to pray and I find that so real in my life. When are the times that I really pray? I mean really, really pray? If I were to look back, I think it would be clear it would be times of trials and I think that would be very much the same for you, isn't it? That it is during times of difficulty when you are just outside your comfort zone, when there are things that are way beyond you that you really come to God in prayer. You see, pain drives us to our knees. Otherwise, the natural tendency of man is to be proud and self-sufficient. 

So why is it that God gives me trials, pains? Why is it that today your child is rebellious or your marriage is breaking up or maybe you failed in your business deal? Why is it that God gives you a sickness that is way beyond your expectation? Why such pain? God has you in mind. He wants you to be blessed. He wants you to experience Him in a deeper way. He wants you to know His love alone. He wants to humble you so that you will not be living that self-dependent, self-centred life. He wants to turn your eyes unto Himself. So isn't it exciting that when there are pains in my life, I know God is at work? He is lovingly but surely drawing me. He is steadying my face that I might gaze on Him alone. Pain makes us pray because pain draws us closer to God. May His love bless your heart today. God bless.


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