Monday, October 29, 2012

Colon Cancer Survivor Story- God is Good

How i cured my colon cancer

by Kenneth
(coursegold ca usa)
In 1993 I found myself under the knife of a doctor removing one third of my colon, and 3 days later my doctor informed me I needed to start chemo and a little radiation treatment, and I asked if I do not, you may have 4 to 6 months to live.
That was then ,this is now, over 17 years latter, in 1993 I got down on my hands and knees an preyed to my “GOD” help me get thou this, I will do what ever you ask of me, my friends you will get what you ask for I have found that out, my preying has had me on a 17 year journey of discovery about why i’m here and why I spent the first 8 years of cancer recovery being a student of nature and how God placed everything we need right in front of us to heal and maintain this gift of life inside this manifest cellular body, my body became my own laboratory and I began to flood my body with live foods and juices with in the first mouth of the doctors gave me the good news, yes I call it good news because it completely changed my life, and gave me back my life.
I’m living a million dollar life on a 10 dollar a day budget. And I’m loving it. You are a cellular human being just like me, the only differences is I live on live foods and the chances are good you are still consuming dead foods, and digging your grave with a spoon, sorry about that. It is time for you to make a change, if you wish to live 10,20, or even another 50 years disease free and happy again.
If there is one thing I now know, you can never live a disease free life living on the standard American diet it is a killer, and disease creator, Here is my advise, flood your body with vegetable juice, and I do not mean V-8, but real live vegetable juice the kind you make and I make, do that for 3 day and God will show you why he placed everything here for you to heal when you are sick, God Bless. Kenneth

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