Sunday, December 23, 2012

Healing Guidelines Prayer for Healing

Healing Guidelines Prayer for Healing and Rebirth by Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM
At 8:00 a.m. every morning, find a quiet place. Attune your spirit to Jesus through His blessed Mother Mary. Read slowly with your heart this prayer. Express silently your deep desire for complete healing. This is your one-on-one prayer with Jesus. Our Father in heaven, Creator of my body, wherein I (state your name) dwell and through which I live, make me realize in the name of JESUS that my present bodily ailment is a result of my own sins, my wrong doings, my wrong thinking, my transgressions against Your laws.
I ask forgiveness, Jesus, for these wrong doings, and promise to change my ways. Make me realize, in the name of JESUS, that Your creative power, which fashioned my body, is still in me, in my consciousness, in my mind, ready to serve me at any time of need. Make me realize that I, in my free will, now have control over this creative power within me which I can direct to act for my own well being, but only if my thoughts and feelings are attuned to You. In full realization of this, I NOW CALL UPON YOUR CREATIVE POWER within me, O Lord God, in Jesus' name, to correct and eliminate any and all my bodily imperfections and diseases and discomforts.
I KNOW AND EXPECT THAT MY REBIRTH IS NOW ACTIVELY TAKING PLACE WITHIN ME because of Your creative love and mercy, and Your healing grace in my every cell and nerve and gland and tissue and fiber and organ, especially my: (state any or all sicknesses). In accordance with my vision and my active FAITH IN YOU, MY ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR AND LORD, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF MOTHER MARY, through the intercessions of MOTHER IGNACIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO and all Your saints, I am healed. Amen. Amen. Amen After praying, remain in silence for 15 to 20 minutes in the presence of the Lord, and in meditation of receiving His healing. Preparations for Healing eastwind First of all, healing is between you and the Lord. Sister Raquel, holy water, blessed towels, or any other medium are just tools of the Lord for healing you. They do not heal by themselves but are „bridges‟ of the Lord to you. Sister Raquel does not have the power to heal, only the Lord through her.
Without spiritual preparation and spiritual transformation, there can be no healing. Healing cannot happen in a snap or a simple pray-over. It is not like turning a switch off and on. It involves a spiritual process. The person to be healed must undergo a SPIRITUAL CLEANSING prior to healing. Spiritual healing precedes physical healing. Return first to the Lord and submit to Him your entire being so He can heal you. People who were healed by Sister Raquel all speak about the change in their lives, the loss of impatience and sudden anger, the goodwill for people, and most
especially the consequent inner peace derived from this spiritual transformation or cleansing. Here are simple guideline from Sister Raquel – pray and meditate often talk to Jesus in a casual conversation He is beside you more than you know pause for a moment and think of your past sins whom did you hurt or exploit or maltreat a housemaid, a friend, a spouse, your children? whom can you not forgive for things they did to you? without forgiveness it is hard to be healed even with all the prayers and healing visits you make ask for forgiveness for injustice and hurt you have done to others and forgive others who have hurt you no matter how serious resolve to correct your sinful ways resolve not to be cranky or impatient with people especially small people such as maids, drivers, workers help and give to others according to your capacity especially the poor do not just give money or material items give yourself, your goodwill, and your time no matter how busy you are only then can you ask the Lord to heal you when you are spiritually clean once you are pleasing to the Lord your healing is already in process as soon as you begin to pray and ask Him for healing invoke the intercession of Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and Mother Ignacia

It is also the message of the healings of Sister Raquel. Every terminal cancer she heals has the same message as the Bible, return to the Lord and be blessed. Healing is a product of conversion, of returning to the Lord.

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