Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sister Raquel - Healing Testimonials - To God be the Glory!

These are testimonials received mostly by email to over a four year period. Aug. 28, 2002 I am LETICIA M. LOCSIN, 69 years old and the Executive Editor of BusinessWorld, an English-language business newspaper published daily in Manila, Philippines. I am also the Chief Operating Office of the publishing company. I am writing this to give testimony to the wondrous things that have happened to me since I started going to the Mother Ignacia Healing Center in Bagumbong, Kalookan. In December of 1999, I was diagnosed to have breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy of my left breast on Dec. 11 of that year. The pathological results showed that I had „Stage 2 Ductal Carcinoma‟. Two weeks after surgery, my wound had not dried up, due in large part to my diabetes. Thus it was that on January 1, 2000, I had to undergo a second operation – for what was clinically termed as „Scar Revision‟. On the afternoon that I was released from hospital, I was feeling very depressed. When I arrived home, I went directly to my bedroom and reclined on the sofa. I closed my eyes but I knew I was not asleep. It was more like coming out of anesthesia. Anyway, I saw in the mind of my eye (but clearly enough to be sure of a presence) the figure of Mother Ignacia – in her black habit, arms outstretched and telling me ever so gently that I should take heart, that she would always be there for me and intercede for my recovery. I opened my eyes at once. Of course, she wasn‟t there, but a faint scent of dama de noche pervaded the room. I was later told by Sister Raquel Reodica that dama de noche is, indeed, the scent of Mother Ignacia as the nuns themselves have come to know through her constant “visitations.” Two days later, after I felt sufficiently recovered from my second surgery, I went to the Healing Center and told Sister Raquel of my vision. She took me away from the crowds to the Healing Fountain in the Sanctuary, where she asked me to drink a glassful of water from the fountain. She filled the glass again and pulled me to a seat. She asked to see my wound. Then, without warning, she poured the water from the glass on the wound. I was panicky: I thought that the wound would surely be infected. Sister Raquel told me not to use anything to dry the wound but instead allow it to dry on its own. I did as instructed and went to sleep that night with the wound area still damp. At about three in the morning, I was awakened by the feeling of floating on water. I felt my beddings: they were all wet. I called for my nursemaid and asked her to see what was the matter. She panicked and suggested that we go to hospital. Strangely enough, I was calm. I was feeling no pain in the area of the wound or anywhere else. And I was not running a fever. Upon closer scrutiny, Menggay, my nursemaid, saw that water was oozing out of the wound, icy cold water. It was not bloody or yellow with pus. And it did not have a putrid smell. I promised Menggay that we would go to hospital in the morning if the emissions would not stop. I had a fresh change of bedclothes and linens and went promptly to sleep.
Everything was dry in the morning; there was no need to go to hospital. Besides, I was
scheduled to see my doctor two days later to have the wound dressed. When she peeled off the gauze covering the wound, Dr. Diana Cua, breast surgeon at the Makati Medical Center, was surprised. The wound was dry. She said the sutures could be removed in two days and I would then be referred to an oncologist for further treatment. The oncologist, Dr. Priscilla B. Caguioa, of the St. Luke‟s Hospital staff, instructed me to go through four tests: (1) complete blood count, (2) an ultrasound examination of my liver, pancreas and gall bladder and (3) a bone scan, to include my kidney and (4) chest pa. Once again, I hastened to see Sister Raquel and asked her to pray that my tests would not bear negative results; and that, additionally, I would not have to undergo chemotherapy. Sister Raquel told me we were both going to ask the Lord for total healing, not bother Him with piecemeal requests. On the roadside leaving the Healing Center, I noticed a sign which read Chuck Cheme. I do not know what their business was, but to me it could only mean a sign that God had heard our prayers. It meant I was to chuck or do away with chemo. True enough, in a week‟s time the results were all in and I was declared free of recurrence or metastasis. I told Dr. Caguioa that the idea of chemo filled me with dread and she assured me that she would not prescribe the treatment for me since all the signs showed I could do without it. She prescribed Tamoxifen daily for five years and I have had a blood checkup every six months since then. I feel in my heart that I have been cured of my cancer, that the Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Mother Ignacia, has granted me total healing. I make it a point to go to the Healing Center every week to pray with and be prayed-over by the nuns there – Sister Raquel, Sister Gloria Ross and Sister Rosita Fernandez, in particular. Through them I have found serenity beyond my expectations. I have experienced a deep awakening of faith in God; and I am more aware of the sufferings of others, especially those – and there are thousands of them – who frequent Mother Ignacia‟s Sanctuary for healing. Letty Locsin

Dear Sister Raquel. Praise the Goodness of the LORD! Truly no one can predict GOD's mighty power. I myself had felt the healing hand of the LORD. Yesterday I received the document containing the directions to your place and the three published articles about you. Instead of reading it on the computer, my Tita Edna told me to print it because it was quite long, and so I did. Tita browsed through the articles but did not have the chance to read it because we were about to leave for the mall with my sister and cousin. When I returned home, the first thing on my mind was to read the articles. So I rushed to the room but before reading it, I had first to massage my back because the pain was there again. And so, I finally got to read it. In the first few lines, I immediately felt shivers all over my body. Then after the Hail Mary, I read the lines: "HEALING IS BETWEEN THE LORD AND THE SICK. SISTER RAQUEL IS ONLY A BRIDGE. PREPARATION FOR HEALING MEANS SPIRITUAL CLEANSING, WHICH INCLUDES FORGIVING ALL WHO HAVE OFFENDED YOU, BEING SORRY FOR THE PAST SINS THAT HAVE OFFENDED THE SACRED HEART".
I felt the pain on my left thigh down to my toes. I paused and examined my heart and recalled the things and the people who have caused me pain in the past, and then in a loud voice, I said that I forgive them all! Then something "nakakakilabot" (strange) happened. I felt a strong pulse on the nerve on my left forehead, and my heart started pounding stronger by the minute. I felt the blood flowing through my left thigh, down to my toes. Then the pain suddenly vanished. Tears started to flow from my eyes and I started crying. I was healed. The LORD touched me and took away the pain from my system. I continued reading, and, at the end of each testimony, I burst into tears and kept on thanking God for His goodness. After reading the last line, I decided to follow it up with a rosary as my thanksgiving for the miracle that I have experienced. It is really the „miracle of the article‟. God made use of the article so that I could be healed spiritually, and eventually physically! I thank you, Sister Raquel, for the prayers and the enlightenment you have brought to my life. Thank you again. May God continue to use you as His bridge to bring us back to Him. We will attend your healing session together with my mom and Tita Edna this coming Wednesday. See you there! GOD BLESS YOU! Truly yours, Ryan E.

My miraculous healing. I, Yolanda S. Espedido, married to Antonio R. Espedido, testify that I was healed of Parkinson‟s disease and microaneurysm through the intercession of Mama Mary and Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. I am a diabetic and, as such, Dr. Augusto D. Litonjua, who is my doctor, instructed me to consult an ophthalmologist for fundus evaluation for hemorrhages and microaneurysms within the inferior vascular arcade. (In layman terms, a tiny bleeding in the eye.) Based on the above instruction, I went to see and consulted Dr. Eunice Monica R. Batac on September 10, 2000. She made a thorough examination and submitted a report to Dr. Litonjua of her findings that I had sclerosis cataracts in both eyes. The dilated examination of the fundus showed microaneurysms and hemorrhages within the inferior arcade of the left eye. Sometime in June 2001, my youngest sister, Filipinas S. Litonjua, who had cancer of the colon, mentioned the healing center of Mother Ignacia in Bagumbong, Novaliches, Caloocan City. Because of her condition, we decided to go to the healing center. There, we met Sister Ma. Rosita Fernandez, who interviewed us and listed our names in her record book. After the interview, she referred us to Sister Raquel, who gave us a wait-list number. She later prayed over us. Our concentration was on my sister Filipinas as she was then scheduled for operation. She was subsequently operated on July 3, 2001. However, I continued going to the Mother Ignacia Healing Center. I was prayed-over twice, July 7 and 14, 2001, by Sister Raquel. During that time, my two hands were shaking (due to Parkinson‟s disease). After every session with her, I felt at peace and relaxed. Sister Raquel taught me how to pray and on July 18th, I noticed that the shaking of my hands stopped, and I could now use both of them. Thank you Lord! On August 18, 2001, I was prayed-over again by Sister Raquel. I also had a one-on-one talk with Sister Rosita. It was a very enlightening talk, and I learned a lot from her. On August 25, 2001, Sister Gloria Ross prayed over me. Her prayers gave me so much peace and comfort. Then, on September 2, 2001, I consulted Dr. Batac, who again made some tests and a thorough examination of my eyes. After evaluating the results, she informed me that it was now clear and the microaneurysm and hemorrhage seen on two previous visits in my left eye had vanished. I have many other ailments such as diabetes, bone tumor on my forehead, and varicose veins on my legs, which I believe and continue to pray, Jesus the Healer, through the intercession of Mama Mary and Mother Ignacia, will also heal. Praise and thank you, Jesus, that you have healed me. Yolanda S. Espedido

18 October 2001 Dear Sister Raquel, Good day. Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus. Sister, I'm not taking my medicine. Instead, I just go to church and receive the body of Christ daily as my maintenance medicine, which now heals my brain tumor. Thanks and more power to your healing. God's love, Regina Francisco ************************************

6 November 2001 Dear Sister Raquel, My husband Ansel III has end stage renal disease and is therefore on dialysis three times a week. He also has polysystic liver. My main recourse nowadays is PRAYER. Kung minsan nga Sister, pudpod na ang daliri ko at gasgas na ang dila ko sa kakadasal (Sometimes my fingers and tongue grow numb from praying). I still have faith in Him that He will give my husband a new lease on life. Ching Roman

22 October 2001 Dear Sister Raquel, I have a lump in my throat. I take Chinese medicine and DXN Ganoderma mushroom capsules. I go daily to Holy Mass for Eucharistic healing. The handkerchief you blessed which Mides Buensalido gave to my Sister Teresita, I tie around my throat when I pray my rosary every morning. The lump is slowly getting smaller. I pray the lump will be completely gone and I will be totally healin in God's grace and mercy. God bless. Yours in Christ, Antonio Sonido

MARK 11:24: Whatsoever your heart desires, believe and never doubt in your heart that you will receive it and you will receive it". God bless you!

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