Friday, March 15, 2013

Surgery Day - Be His Surgeon Lord

Today is really a long day for me. I chatted with my hubby this morning, night their time. His surgery is scheduled at 1pm his time but need to get there at 10 am. He looked calmer today than for the past days. How I really wish I was there with him but I didnot dwell on that too much because the fact is I'm here and very impossible for me to get there now. One thing I believe that I can call on God for help for He is Almighty, powerful, full of mercy and our Father, He cares for us so much.
I left home to go to San Pedro Church to attend the mass but I was late but still attended the mass. I prayed, asking intercessions from the saints whose statues are in the cathedral, praying to God with Mama Mary's intercession. I lighted 3 candles then after I decided to go to Pink Sisters Chapel by myself. I didnot eat my lunch yet and I heard that it is better to pray when you are empty and offer it as a sacrifice. I stayed for one hour in the chapel, prayed my rosary, talked to God and wrote my petitions on the piece of paper to be prayed by the sisters. It was such a perfect day, very peaceful and I felt alone talking to our God and Mama Mary. I asked God for a miracle because I believe He along can perform it, I asked God to be my hubby's surgeon on that day, have a successful surgery, let my hubby live and there will no trace of cancer. I know I am asking God very big favor and God is good, I believe He will answer the desires of my heart in His own perfect time. Thank You Lord. Thank you Mama Mary for your powerful intercession. Thank you St. Peregrine and St. Camillus de Lelis for your intercessions and for being very good example to us, I really admire you both and want to do things that are pleasing to our God. Thank you to my family, relatives and friends who are there praying for my hubby's healing. Walang hanggang pasasalamat ang sa Iyo'y sasambitin.

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