Wednesday, November 21, 2012

MRI Result - Did Not Spread - Thank You Lord

Today hubby had his MRI while I was sleeping. I just found out in the morning when I woke up and read his messages. He was so nervous about the result and praise God because the result was good, it didnot spread. Thank You Lord. Hubby told me that when he was in the doctor's office, his friend James called him and said a prayer. I was really amazed how You are working Lord. You are always true to Your promise. Thank You Lord. When I received my hubby's good news, I was thanking God and couldn't help but tears flow from my eyes, tears of joy. Thank You Lord. Thank You Mama Mary for your intercession and St. Peregrine and the saints. Lord, hubby won't start his chemo and radiation until December 10. Lord, we know that You are still in control. Lord, continue to be with my hubby and that praying Lord that the cancer won't spread and that everything will go well with his treatment.  Thank You Lord. All for Your Glory Lord. Thank You Father.

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